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Caring for your horse’s teeth is a crucial aspect of their veterinary care, and we endeavour to carry out dentistry to a very high standard, facilitated by a full range of modern equipment.


At Hale equine, all our vets have a keen interest in equine dentistry, and we all endeavour to carry out your horse’s dentistry to a very high standard.

This is facilitated by a full range of modern dental equipment, including water cooled power floats which float the teeth without overheating them. All equipment is mobile and so this service is available on your yard or at our purpose-built stocks at Lackham if required.

Anna has a particular interest in equine dentistry and has completed two advanced dentistry courses and many hours training alongside specialist dental vets. She is qualified to tackle some of the more advanced procedures such as treating food packed diastemata, or the removal of incisors or aged molars should the need arise.

We advocate sedated dentistry and have a package fee that includes the sedation. This is to facilitate a full and thorough assessment of your horse’s mouth, to spot any subtle developing issues and correct accordingly. Modern equine dentistry is about prevention being better than cure!

This video was developed to explain the sedated dental –

Click here to watch the video

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